Gerbera photo by Kelley

Gerbera photo by Kelley

Friday, January 22, 2010

New to this blogging stuff

Gardening saved my life by helping me find a God I could understand. I'd been to church and religious activities and don't have a problem with Jesus Christ being my Savior....because he is. I lived with addictions and the shame and guilt that go with it. It was a living hell here on Earth and I was sick of living like that. In order to understand the things I was learning at the meetings I attended I had to find a God that would forgive and love me with all of my shortcomings and defects of character. There were many and I didn't know where or how to start. I worked as a gardener (still do) at a small JUCO in my town. The campus was in pretty bad shape and so was I. ( I was at the beginning of the end of my drinking and drug use.) Finally, it occurred to me to look at something I really gardens. At first I had a 12 x 24 glass greenhouse to work in. It's older than I am. Then in 1993 the college built me a 21 x 96 quonset greenhouse to grow annuals to put out on campus. It will comfortably hold about 7,000 plants. Since I know very little about moderation, I had over 10,000 plants that first year. The process was slow and painful but if I wouldn't have had my gardens to tend, I would have been completely lost. To be continued

1 comment:

  1. Love you, Mom. I'm so happy you've found a place in your life to be at peace (or closer to it).
