Gerbera photo by Kelley

Gerbera photo by Kelley

Monday, February 1, 2010

The gift of sobriety

I'm sitting on the sidelines watching one of my friends try to deal with Bob. Bob was sober for 14 months then last July he got drunk and has stayed that way since. He's been hauled to two detox centers and one treatment center. The Ponca and Blackwell hospitals refuse to treat his drunk ass because he is so beligerant. But for the grace of God there go I. Why have I been able to stay away from the booze and so many others die from this disease? I do not know and probably never will. I was so ready for my life to be different. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I wanted to die but then that would have left Brit and Cale to be raised by their dad and I didn't want that for sure. Why can't Bob see what alcohol is doing to his life? I don't know that either. He's 68 years old, Apache and has hep C. He's been drinking and doing drugs most of his adult life. I imagine at one time he was a good mechanic and a good truck driver. What a waste. My sponsor shared with me that some of us have to die so others can stay sober. Survival of the fittest or the most willing? It's been so long since I've had a drink that I can't imagine taking a drink and going back to that hell I called my life. My worst day sober is way better than my best day drunk. One of my other sponsors siad if we want to take a drink then we might as well drive our vehicle into the Salt Fork, toss in all the clothes and things that we treasure because they will be gone anyway. What a price to pay for the first drink, the one that starts the obsession I can't stop. What a gift I have been given!!! The gift of  sobriety (life) through my friends of Bill is a debt I can never repay. I no longer have to deal with the feelings of inadequacy, inferiority and the negative feelings I allowed myself to wallow in for so many years. Life is good one day at a time.

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